Sat, Sep 25
It's a day filled with drinking, eating and general cavorting just like last time! Get your steins and competitive spirits ready!

Time & Location
Sep 25, 2021, 1:00 p.m.
Okotoks, 41 Elizabeth St, Okotoks, AB T1S 1M3, Canada
About the event
It's time to don your LEDERHOSEN and grab your STEIN for Hub Town's version of Okotoberfest here in Okotoks once again!!Â
Last year you showed us you would hoist GIANT STEINS out until your arm shook uncontrollably, you could (or couldn't) toss BRATS into BUNS all the way to the other side of the patio and you would hold kegs in front of you for an obscene amount of time...but...can you do it again? Because this year, you're doing it to win a ONE YEAR MUG CLUB MEMBERSHIP!Â
In fact, EVERY WINNER of EVERY COMPETITION will win a one year mug club membership! BUT...if you win ALL of the competitions yourself...you get the choice of either:Â
1) Keeping a one year mug club membership and giving away the other one year memberships to your friends - wow would you ever be the best friend on earth!Â
Decisions...decisions! Nobody said it was easy being the best!
Here's the Schedule of Events:
- FRESH (local) CRAFT BEER from Hub Town starting at 12pmÂ
- FRESH (local) BRATS n BUNS from French 50 Bakery and Burgardt's Butcher Shop starting at 12pm
- GAMES kick off at 1pm (Stein Holding - kids: 1pm; adults: 2pm....Brat Toss (partners required): 3pm...King or Queen of the Keg: 4pm)
- LIVE MUSIC starting at 4pm
We have LOTS of giant steins on site for the big day so get ready to enjoy your beer the way they do in Munich!Â
For those of you who want YOUR OWN STEIN, we have a VERY limited number of collector Hub Town Okotoberfest STEINS, available in three sizes (for the whole family), that are available to purchase when you're here. If you want your own ENGRAVED stein however, you'll have to preorder those right here.
NOW...make sure to READ ALL YOUR TICKET CHOICES CAREFULLY because they all represent different Oktoberfest adventures and you don't want to get this wrong...there are options for food, beer, collector steins and of course competitions, so choose wisely!
This ticket entitles you ONE - 1 Liter ENGRAVED Oktoberfest Beer Stein, ONE FILL of that stein (with 1 full liter of beer of course) and ONE Brat n Bun. This ticket does NOT guarantee seating, so be sure to come early!
CA$50.00Sale endedSTEIN, FILL 'n' COMPETE
This ticket entitles you to guaranteed seating, ONE - 1 Liter Oktoberfest Stein, ONE stein fill (with beer of course), and ONE ENTRY into ALL THREE competitions: 1) STEIN HOLDING; 2) Brat Toss (need a partner) and; 3) KING or QUEEN of the keg! Remember, you're playing to win a ONE YEAR Mug Club Membership! BUT...if you win ALL of the competitions, you can either give the extra two mug club memberships to your nearest and dearest...OR get your own LIFETIME Mug Club Membership all to yourself!
CA$50.00Sale endedLITTLE Stein, Fill 'n' Compete
Just like the "big kids," the little ones get to play too! This ticket entitles one child (12 years or under), to guaranteed seating, ONE - 5oz STEIN, ONE FILL (with butterbeer of course), and ONE ENTRY into the Stein Hoisting competition! Now elbow drops...no butterbeer spills...hoist your stein the longest and you win!
CA$10.00Sale endedStein Hoisting Competition
This ticket is for those who HAVE THEIR OWN HUB TOWN STEIN already and want to use it in the STEIN HOISTING competition and entitles you to ONE ENTRY and guaranteed seating! Do you remember what you have to do to win? Just hoist your stein, filled the brim with beer the longest (with your arm straight out in front of you at a 90 degree angle and parallel to the ground with your elbows locked) and YOU will be the Stein Hoisting Champion AND winner of a ONE YEAR Mug Club Membership!
CA$15.00Sale endedKING or QUEEN of the keg
Ever hoisted a keg and held it in front of you for any amount of time? We promise, it will separate the men from the boys (or women from the girls!). Get ready to hold a 20L keg (empty of course...we don't want anyone to get hurt), for as long as humanly possible! And with a ONE YEAR Mug Club Membership on the line and of course a full year of bragging rights, so the pain is worth it! This ticket entitles you to ONE ENTRY into the competition as well as guaranteed seating!
CA$15.00Sale endedBrat Toss Competition
The BRAT TOSS is exactly what you think it is...you and a partner will work together to throw/catch a bratwurst to win! And in case you think it's too easy, let us dispell that myth because you'll be tossing INTO A BRAT BUN! The team to throw/catch their brat the furthest away (without breaking it or dropping it of course) WINS! You bring a partner and we will supply the rest!! This ticket entitles you to ONE ENTRY of a team of two and guaranteed seating! TWO Mug Club memberships on the line!
CA$20.00Sale ended