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Writer's pictureLisa Watts

G.O.T. meets 1882 - are you ready?!

It’s only 3 short days…actually it’s 2 days, 22 hours and 6 minutes…until our first beer is released for you to finally enjoy!

On Sunday, April 14th and for the FIVE SUNDAYS following, we will be onsite at John Henry’s pub (Tom’s House of Pizza) in our very own town of Okotoks, handing out samples and filling up medieval chalices full of our 1882 Okotoks Golden Ale starting at 6:00 pm and EVERYONE is invited to join us! From 6:00 pm until 9:00 pm on each of these days, anyone can drop in, have a chat and of course try the beer!

BUT…at 9:00 pm sharp on each Sunday, only owners of our chalices will have a guaranteed seat to stay and watch each of the last six episodes (EVER) of The Game of Thrones!

Now, that doesn’t mean there won’t be a seat for you if you haven’t purchased a chalice…it just means you take your chances. If our chalices sell out, the event will be closed to the public, simply because we will be at capacity! If we don’t…you are welcome to stay and we will have chalices on hand for purchase so you can get in on the fun!

Throughout the opening night we will be giving out prizes too!!

Want to know what you need to do to win?

  • Show us YOU are Hub Town’s biggest fan and WEAR YOUR HUB TOWN GEAR! If you wear ANY of our swag on April 14th, you will be entered. BUT, if you wear MORE than one piece of Hub Town Swag, you will get one entry for EACH PIECE. So if you have 3 of our t-shirts…well you get the picture.


  • Show us YOU are the biggest Game of Thrones fan out there by dressing the part!! Bring a sword (fake of course)…wear a golden arm like Jaimie Lanister, braid your hair like Daenerys Targaryen…wear a scar with pride like Tyrion Lanister…do whatever you want, to show us YOU are the biggest G.O.T. fan out there and you will be entered to win!

And so you know, besides our classic swag…there will be one LIFETIME MUG CLUB MEMBERSHIP on the line, so show us you mean business because these are no longer available for purchase!! And be prepared because we will be taking your picture to post on our social media so the world can see that you are the biggest fan!

Now, for those who have already purchased your chalices (and you know who you are), we need to hear from you by April 13th to RSVP and GUARANTEE your seat will be saved when G.O.T. airs at 9:00 pm! Don’t forget because we want you to be there! Shout out to us on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter to tell us you’ll be there...or...send us an email at to tell us you’ll be there…heck, you can even send smoke signals if you think it will work to let us know you’ll be there…just let us know!

Hope to see you all Sunday!

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